Sunday, February 7, 2010

Samsung Omnia II

After 3.5 hours of waiting/sighing/enduring my mother's grumbling/chasing of staff at Starhub@Cuppage ... FINALLY got served and got this:

Actually, I really didn't want to get a touch-screen phone cos I'm really a buttons person.. but there was really nothing else to get (and I'm Anti-iPhone...still don't get what's the iPhone craze about up till today...) and my mother wanted to renew her contract with a phone (her workplace prohibits the use of camera-phones so there's no point for her to get a phone) so I just took it anyway...
After fiddling with it for about 2 hours...I came to the conclusion that a touch-screen phone is not so bad afterall..It's quite easy to type/write with the stylus. 

Had a quickbite at Ichiban Boshi with my mother and we proceeded to Plaza Singapura after that to change one of our set-top boxes to a HubStation...Finally..Can record stuff while we're out..Don't have to stay home to catch shows anymore! My father met us there and then we went to Takashimaya..Bought the latest copy of CHIC from Kino..Love this magazine cos it's full of substance and not advertisements unlike the other more established fashion magazines around. I hope it stays this way..Yes I understand that magazines need advertisements to keep them alive but there should be a good balance..Advertisements should NOT be on every other page.

Wanted to try out the Crystal Jade Korean Ginseng restaurant with my father but the queue was too really tired of queueing up so we left.. Had Macs for dinner in the end. Reached home and watched Down With Love...a new Taiwanese drama showing on Channel U starring Jerry Yan and Ella from S.H.E. It's the typical kind of story where boy meets girl and starts out hating each other only to end up falling in love with each other.. Clichéd but I like it..haha..


  1. How I wish I am having one right now also.....

    I gotto keep saving money.... and... don't see him that often??

  2. Don't have to wish lar..You can get the one u told me you wanted after Chinese New Year! =)

    Don't see him often? You referring to Wind? Psycho your mind to go with "out of sight, out of mind"...hahaha

  3. i cant lar.... long time more... sigh....

    yeah.. the Wind... My Mind Gone with the Wind.... 色就是空,空就是色~~~~
